Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better

Social Inclusion through Outdoor Activities” is a project that has established the outdoor education platform and the concept of inclusion of all communities without distinction. The project also aims to institute a long-term outdoor education platform in Kosovo by developing a manual for trainers working with youth.

The project aims to promote outdoor activities, to boost understanding of cultural diversity among youth in Kosovo, and to engage students from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds to participate in activities together.

This training includes 18 teachers from nine Kosovo municipalities (Dragash, Fushe Kosova, North Mitrovica, Prizren, Kamenica, South Mitrovica, Istog, Lipjan and Mamusha), who have been trained by licensed trainers for specific outdoor sports (hiking, orientation, mountaineering, skiing and first aid). These trainings have helped them increase their knowledge and skills in organizing and developing such activities in their municipalities.

The multi ethnic staff engaged in this project remains professional, competent and aware of the importance and impact of this platform in establishing an outdoor student education tradition and program. The trainers’ commitment during the implementation of the several camps and activities in 2019 and 2020 is a motivating factor and a sure way to further develop and continue the activities.

The project is supported by the British Embassy in Prishtina and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in cooperation with the Alpine Club Prishtina (ACP).

Hike with us

If you want something you never had

You have to do something you’ve never done

    Maja e Musinces 1725 m / lmd (01.03.2020)

    Daily hike

    Detajet e Organizimit dhe Rezervimit: Nisja e Saktë: e Diel, 01.03.2020 / ora 07:00 Vendi i Nisjes:  Para parkingut të RTV 21 Lloji i Transportit: Me Autobus Participimi për pjesëmarrje: Ata që rezervojnë në autobus: 10 € (për person) Ata…

      Bjeshkët e Rusolisë (16.02.2020)

      Daily hike

      Detajet e Organizimit dhe Rezervimit: Nisja: e Diel, 16.02.2020 / ora 07:00 Vendi i Nisjes: Para parkingut të RTV 21 Lloji i Transportit: Me Autobus Participimi për pjesëmarrje: 10 € (për person) Afati i Fundit për Rezervim: E Shtunë

        Vargmali i Tumbës (09.02.2020)

        Daily hike

        Detajet e Organizimit: Nisja e Saktë: e Diel, 09.02.2020 / ora 07:00 Vendi i Nisjes: Para parkingut të RTV 21 Lloji i Transportit: Me Autobus Participimi për pjesëmarrje: 10 € (për person) Afati i Fundit për Rezervim: E Shtunë

          Vargmali i Kukajve-Novobërdë (26.01.2020)

          Daily hike

          Detajet e Organizimit dhe Rezervimit:Nisja e Saktë: e Diel, 26.01.2020 / ora 07:00Vendi i Nisjes: Para parkingut të RTV 21Lloji i Transportit: Me Autobus Participimi për pjesëmarrje: 10 € Afati i Fundit për Rezervim: E Shtunë

            Maja e Lubotenit 2498 m/lmd

            Daily hike

            Detajet e Organizimit: Nisja e Saktë: e Diel, 12.01.2020 / ora 06:00 Vendi i Nisjes: Para parkingut të RTV 21 Lloji i Transportit: Me Autobus Participimi për pjesëmarrje: Ata që rezervojnë në autobus: 10 € (për person) Ata që vijnë…

            Bjeshka e Shkrelit

              Bjeshka e Shkrelit


              Detajet e Organizimit: Nisja: e Diel, 24.11.2019 / ora 07:00 (tubimi në 06:45) Vendi i Nisjes: Para parkingut të RTV 21 Lloji i Transportit: Autobus Participimi për pjesëmarrje: 10 € Ata që na Bashkohen me Vetura private: 5 € Afati…

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              702 Hiking & mountaineering sector
              77 Outdoor education sector
              73 Climbing Sector
              20 Mountain&rural biking sector
              50 Social responsibility
              73 Projects

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